No Time Breakfast Options-II
No Time Breakfast Options-II

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day which acts as fuel to the body. However, most of us skip our breakfasts due to time constraints. Keeping this in mind, we have come with a list of some time-saving breakfast options here: 

Savory Oatmeal – Prepared in the usual way with milk or water, excluding the cinnamon or sugar. Add a pinch of salt or pepper and a little cheese, and top it with a poached egg. That’s it. Your yummy bowl of breakfast is ready to serve!

What you need: Oatmeal, sugar/salt, pepper, cheese, egg, milk /water.

Custard – It may be the best trick for Mondays! As preparing your custard the previous night and refrigerating it can save your time in the morning. You can top it with fruits/dry fruits of your choice before having it.

What you need: Milk, custard powder of your choice, dry/fresh fruits.

Dahi-cheera (Curd & flattened rice) – Soaked flattened rice mixed with curd normally being served with jaggery or sugar, is a common form of breakfast. Anyone can make it in minutes. Tastes great and really healthy.  

What you need: Flattened rice, curd, jaggery/sugar, dry fruits (optional).

Cereal and Milk – Cereals are packed with essential nutrients and hence it’s good for health. Add some warm milk to the cereals and enjoy!

What you need: cereals, milk, dry/fresh fruits. 
